Sunday, October 19, 2014

New Ebola Czar—Lawyer or Virologist it Doesn't Matter

The President is (arguably) the decider-in-chief, the justices of the courts decide on all matters, while they are not expert in the specific subject under review.  We have elected our representatives most importantly, based on their analytic abilities. We have many scientists and specifically virologists in the CDC and NIH all advising the head of the CDC and NIH and, in turn, the President.  They have not done well by us.  Their opinions are colored by politics and motivated to quell panic in our citizens.  Politics has no place in making the biological decisions necessary to contain and defeat the Ebola threat and a bit of panic is warranted.  There is no good reason to allow 150 people from the epidemic to enter the U.S. every day (see earlier posts).  Yet these advisors—the CDC and NIH have convinced the President not to act to halt this obvious source of infection—why?  What we need is a thinking decisive person devoid of political concerns and tasked with guiding our country through the Ebola challenge.  Our hope is that the new Ebola Czar, Mr. Ron Klain, will be apolitical, cold and analytical with concerns first for the protection of our citizens followed by facilitating the fight against the epidemic in West Africa, which will also ultimately protect our citizens and the world. 

Steven Keller, Ph.D.

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